Daycare & School Construction

School Construction. With more young families having two working parents, the need for daycare and child care facilities is increasing every year. When caring for children, it’s important to provide a safe, secure atmosphere with plenty of recreational space. At TECH 24 CONSTRUCTION, we understand the need to create a welcoming environment, quickly and of the highest quality.

Designing and building child care facilities requires strong attention to detail and the highest quality craftsmanship. At TECH 24 CONSTRUCTION, we have the skills, experience, and expertise to deliver the finest daycare/childcare facilities on time and on a budget!

Experts in

Child Care/Day Care Construction

TECH 24 CONSTRUCTION is a full-service new construction contractor in DC, Maryland, and Virginia. We have years of experience in building and remodeling child care and daycare facilities throughout the region. One of our most recent projects was building an 11,000-square-foot Kiddie Academy Daycare Center in Alexandria, VA. The project consisted of multiple classrooms on two levels with an outdoor playground. The project was completed in just 18 weeks at a total cost of $900,000.

We work with our clients closely throughout the entire process, from the earliest planning and design stages through the completion of the project. By working with us for the entire process, we’re able to accelerate the planning and budgeting stages. Keeping your entire project in-house means better communication between design and building a more equitable allocation of your budget, and an accelerated schedule with no lags in communication between the client, designer, and contractor.

We work with clients that are in various stages of the process – some already have plans and permits in hand, others are in the early planning stages and still, other clients rely on TECH 24 CONSTRUCTION for their entire project. No matter where you are in the process, we can help guide you to the best possible outcome!

Renovating Existing

Child Care Facilities, schools & offices

We are also a renovation and remodeling school construction contractor. That means if you’re planning on expanding your facility, or simply updating, we can handle your project with the same attention to detail and quality workmanship as our ground-up construction projects.

We understand the idiosyncrasies and challenges of remodeling and construction in schools, and work closely with you and your staff to schedule work around your needs. We’ll schedule the work in the least disruptive manner possible.

Maryland, Washington D.C., & Virginia

Serving the Communities

TECH 24 CONSTRUCTION serves communities throughout the Maryland, Virginia, and DC areas. If you’re considering a remodeling, renovation, or ground-up construction project, contact us today via our online form or at 800-820-7194! We’re always happy to answer questions and provide you with a comprehensive proposal for your project.

View Our

DayCare, School & Office Projects

Check out some of our projects below from many of our satisfied clients.
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You’re ready to take the plunge and open up your restaurant. It’s more involved than simply putting tables in a storefront with the Health Department’s inspection certificate in the window. The restaurant needs to project the right sort of feeling from the front door to the bathrooms, and everywhere in between, which you know so well. Good thing you’re looking at TECH 24 CONSTRUCTION to help make the dining room as good as the food. Serving all of Washington D.C., Maryland, and Virginia, we are a commercial contractor you can trust for restaurant remodeling and construction.

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